Saturday, April 08, 2006

Da Vinci -- Decoded

I found this picture on the web which was allegedly taken on the grounds of Roslyn Chapel (DVC readers will readily recognize that site), and I just had to share it. Needing some content to post with it here, and not wanting to spend time writing a new piece, I thought I might provide some links to my articles on DaVinci Decoded over on my other blog.

My initial posting, summarizing DaVinci Code and pointing out the historical problems with it, is found at:

My second posting, "Was Jesus Married with Children?" is found here:

The third posting, "Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary," is found at:

The fourth, entitled, "The Emperor's New Clothes," deals with Constantine and can be found at:

I also want to acknowledge the blog put together by Carl Olson and Sandra Miesel, authors of "The Da Vinci Hoax." Of all the books to come out, I think this one has been the best. It is written from a Catholic perspective, so Evangelicals will not agree with everything they write, but they have really done a better job with tackling the issues at hand. I recommend their book and their blog, which is found at

Carl Olson has written a piece answering the question, "Why make such a big fuss over a work of fiction?". Find it here:

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